How to promote your building firm to homeowners

No doubt you’re already promoting your building firm in your locale. But is your approach driving the quality leads that you need for your business to flourish?

In this article, we look at ways to get your business noticed by the right kind of customer and how to win the work once you have a foot in the door.

Who is the ideal customer?

Target clients who are looking for reliable building firms, not the cheapest deal

The first thing you need to consider is who you want to work for – and therefore who you should be targeting with your marketing. The ideal customer will pride themselves on attention to detail and expect high standards of the building work will. By return, they will pay appropriately. They may have been let down in the past and, as a result, are more interested in a firm they can trust than a cheap deal. The ideal customer may have a professional background which gives them an understanding of project management, admin processes, contracts and so on. These are the types of clients you want to work for.

How to attract the attention of the target market

Once you understand your target market, it’s all about differentiating yourself from everyone else and creating the right impression to attract the profitable customer.

Firstly, you need to create a professional-looking identity for your business. That means a simple, clean logo and a domain name that you use for your emails as well as your website – unfortunately Hotmail and Google email addresses don’t give the most professional impression. Also ensure you have an email signature for your business email.

Ideally, you want to have a website for your business. Put case studies on the website alongside a gallery of photos - before and after shots are ideal. Share endorsements from past clients endorsing your work. Don’t be afraid to go back to past customers to ask for testimonials if necessary. Builders who estimate using software such as EstimatorXpress or Take-off & Estimate Kit should emphasise the fact on their website – using well-regarded industry software to generate your estimates shows that you’re an established and dependable company. You can also demonstrate your professionalism by mention your insurance, affiliations, credit rating and so on.

Think about how to make the website as eye-catching as possible. Use 3D models if you have them at your disposal or record time-lapse videos of projects. Features like this will really make your business stand out from the crowd. Make sure you keep updating the website regularly. You might include blogs on new legislation, how you manage your health and safety, your thinking on new products, materials and building methods and so on. New content will help improve your Google ranking so your website appears higher in Google searches.

Market your building firm using Facebook

In addition, you might want to consider setting up a Facebook page for your business. This demonstrates your professionalism, letting the potential client know that your business is no hobby business! It’s also a good idea to join local groups on Facebook. Homeowners often seek out building firms on local community group pages.

Finally, consider putting an advert in the parish magazine or local postcode magazine. They’re typically good at providing decent leads.

How to win over the client

There are lots of little things you can do that will increase your chances of winning the work. It’s likely that most of the quotes the client has received will show similar costs. This means there’s very little for the customer to choose between so how you come across is crucial - you could be kicked off the shortlist for the most ridiculous of reasons.

First and foremost, show confidence and be professional. First impressions count. Be punctual and arrive in smart/casual attire rather than site clothes. Listen attentively to the client and take notes. Look at the plans carefully and pick up on omissions and errors that other builders will miss. Produce a professional-looking quote – ideally using software such as EstimatorXpress, Take-off & Estimate Kit or BuildingWorks. Ensure there are no spelling errors and return the quote quickly.

Take time to explain to the client how you’ll work - where you’d store materials and place the portaloo, how you’ll keep the site tidy and so on. Discuss your health and safety procedures and explain the building regulations process. Finally, tell them that you’ll put a payment plan in writing, to be provided in the future. All of this will breed confidence in your firm.  


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