What are the benefits of estimating software for my building firm?

You’re a building firm owner considering investing in estimating software. Brilliant - you’re already half-way there! You’ve realised you need to move on from estimating manually or using spreadsheets. But what impact is estimating software going to have on your building firm?   

Here we highlight the advantages of using a software package designed specifically for small to medium sized builders, such as EstimatorXpress or BuildingWorks. It’s important to note that more simple phone apps and trade-focused software tools won’t give you all of the benefits listed below.

  • Chances are, you may be losing money without even knowing. Using estimating software to accurately cost you projects will help you to keep a tight rein on outgoings and a firm grip on your profits. Those profits will give your business security - think money in the bank, a buffer to tide you over during more difficult times, a budget for marketing and so on.

  • Out-of-date or inaccurate material pricing can have a negative impact on your business. Estimating software which tracks the market price of building materials and gives regular updates will save you significant amounts of time trawling websites and calling round builders’ merchants.

  • Successful building firms factor in wastage, overheads and - critically - inflation. If these costs aren’t passed on to the customer, they’ll be coming out of your profit margin. Any estimating software worth its price tag will help you add these costs onto your estimates.

  • Less time spent estimating means more time available to focus on other aspects of your business. Time-saving estimating software will help you work towards your business goals.

  • Equally as important, less time estimating means you can have your evenings back and weekends off. Time off is crucial to the success of your business – it’s not likely to thrive if you’re running on fumes.

  • Being in control of your material ordering with automatic material order schedules will mean less time spent on the phone or making ad-hoc trips to your merchant. Think what else you could do with that time!

  • With smart, detailed customer quotations, you’ll increase your professionalism and the reputation of your business will take a boost.

  • Dealing with delays and getting the right materials, plant and labour on site at the right time can be really stressful. There is a better way. With an automated build programme and a range of management reports to refer to, you’ll be more organised and on top of your projects.

  • Your improved organisation will also have a positive impact on your team. After all, it can be hard to do your best work in a disorganised environment. Everyone will be on the same page with a live build programme and associated schedules.

In short, invest in estimating software designed for builders and you will make more money, save time, become more efficient and boost your reputation. The impact can only be a positive one. Don’t get left behind by continuing to estimate by hand or using an outdated spreadsheet. Now’s the time to choose estimating software. Let us help you choose the best option…


Free trials of builder estimating software


10 features to look for in building estimation software