You can estimate building projects faster
What if I told you, you could quote for building projects more quickly AND make a better profit margin on the work? Too good to be true? Wrong!
Spend less time estimating
With the right software, you can estimate an extension in less than half an hour. Look for software that gives you shortcuts to accurate, detailed estimates. For example, EstimatorXpress by HBXL Building Software includes 100s of renovation, extension and new build templates pre-loaded with relevant material, labour and plant costs. Choose the template which most closely matches your project, type in your dimensions and review the material choices - the software updates the costs in real time. Then hit the quote button and EstimatorXpress automatically prepares a customer quotation with as much or as little detail as you choose.
If you go for BuildingWorks by Integro Software, their Design and Estimate modules enable you to estimate a design instantly from your plans. Seamless integration between the design and estimate aspects of the software means far less data entry – win! BuildingWorks automatically produces NRM (SMM7 style Bill of Quantities) tender documents or a traditional builder’s quotation, along with a number of reports including cost reports, material schedules and profit and cashflow forecasts.
Let the software do the hard labour
I’m stating the obvious here, but look for software that does as much work for you as possible. You want software that includes regular material price updates so you don’t need to ring around merchants checking the latest prices. Make sure the software prices up labour, plant and preliminary costs (surveys, architect’s fees, planning applications etc.) as well as materials. Choose software which also calculates inflation so you don’t have the headache of working out how the price will change over the next 6 or 12 months, before the project is complete. Software packages like EstimatorXpress and BuildingWorks will do all of these things for you.
Profit is king
Take a moment to consider, how profitable is your building firm? Do you even know whether you’re going to make a profit this year? It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking being busy means you’re making money. But the future success of your business depends on profit, not turnover. You need to have money in the bank to tide you over in difficult times (project delays, errors, bad weather…). In other words, you need to do more than earn a wage.
Look for software which helps you set your own profit markup and analyse your profitability through features such as profit reports. Of course, with a smart, professional customer quotation to match your high-quality building work, you might feel confident upping your margin that bit further.
Next steps
If you’re looking to quote faster, price right and improve your bottom line, check out the best estimating software on the market and find the most suitable match for your business.